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12 Jan 2024
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We’re well into January 2024, and this is the time of year when many of us start to question the resolutions we set for ourselves. Did we really think we would get up at the crack of dawn to go for a daily run? Is it truly worth it to deny ourselves coffee in an attempt to cut down on caffeine?

The problem with many resolutions is, they feel more like punishment than aspirations. But, it’s never too late to make some adjustments. And one way to do that is to tailor your resolutions to your passion, like your favorite winter sport!

In this list of resolutions for winter sport lovers, we’ve got a few ideas that will get you excited about making gains and tracking progress. Let’s take a look!

Set goals in your sport

One way to increase your chances of accomplishing your New Year resolution is to make it specific to the winter sport you love. Something vague like, “become a better ice skater” doesn’t offer you a tangible end-goal to look forward to. But, having a goal like, “Learn how to do forward crossovers” gives you a specific milestone to work towards. 

Here are a few other examples for winter sports:

  • Clock in ___ number of days on the slopes

  • Learn how to ride switch when snowboarding

  • Learn how to ollie on a snowboard or skis

  • Learn how to do a shifty on skis

  • Attempt a run on a double black diamond

  • Beat your personal best speed for cross-country skiing

  • Learn a new technique for snowshoeing, such as scrambling, kick-stepping, or down-hilling

As you can see, no matter which winter sport you love, you can set a New Year’s resolution that you’ll be excited to implement! 

Tailor your exercise goals

Another very common resolution is to exercise more. And, some people are able to stick with this goal. But, many find themselves losing interest after a few weeks of hitting the gym or getting out for runs. 

The key, we’ve found, is to tailor your exercise routine to the physical demands of your given winter sport. If you enjoy cross-country skiing, for instance, find an exercise plan that balances cardio with strength-training so that you can ski faster and over greater distances. You might take up roller-blading and join a pilates studio!

Or, if you’re a snowboarder, you’ll want to focus on building a strong core to help you with balance and injury prevention. Rowing machines, yoga, and core-specific sets at the gym can all be beneficial to your snowboarding practice.

Get a season pass

Your New Year’s resolution may be something like, “ski more in 2024,” but then, you know how it goes. Work gets busy, your weekends are filled with other social events, and before you know it, another season has gone by without a trip up to the mountains.

But, when you take the step of buying a season pass? Well, that could be just the spark you need to actually make it happen! Purchasing a Mammoth Mountain Season Pass or an Ikon Pass, which grants you access to multiple resorts around the country, will motivate you to get your money’s worth.

Give your gear some TLC

There’s nothing that will inspire you to reach your winter sports New Year’s resolutions quite like seeing your gear all polished up and ready to go. So, give your skis, snowboard, helmet, poles, or snowshoes some attention! 

Make some social media changes

This year, so many people are making New Year’s resolutions around their social media consumption. Whether you want to spend less time on your phone, unfollow the accounts you love to hate, or figure out a way to change what the algorithm shows you, being mindful about social media is a great goal! Here’s how you can make your social media work towards your winter sport goals:

  • Follow accounts from athletes in your sport. Not only will you get a daily dose of your favorite winter sport, but you might also learn some useful tips and tricks for training and building your skills!

  • Follow hashtags from your sport. One easy way to change what the algorithm shows is to follow hashtags that interest you. You might search, for instance, #snowboarding #powderday #figureskating or #icehockeytraining

  • Swap out the celebrities and influencers for tourism departments and nature photographers. There’s nothing wrong with following celebrities and your favorite influencers. But, when it comes to your 2024 goals, be mindful of whether or not these people inspire you. If you’re looking for something more motivational, consider following tourism departments from your favorite winter destinations (ahem, like Visit Mammoth) or nature photographers. We can bet that you’ll be more inspired to go after your ski, skate, and snowboard goals when you treat yourself to photos, Reels, and TikToks of people and places that align with your interests. 

Track your progress

Another reason why some resolutions flounder is because you’re not able to see and celebrate your progress. But, jotting down notes in your calendar, posting about your activities on social media, or finding a resolution buddy can go a long way in helping you stay motivated.

Here are a few ways that you can track progress for your winter sport resolutions:

  • Log workouts in your preferred exercise app, such as Strava

  • Reach out to a friend who can help keep you accountable

  • Hire a personal trainer who can monitor your progress

  • Join fitness challenges with other people, either virtually or in your neighborhood

Save up for a trip to the mountains

Many people have resolutions like, “Eat out less” or “No unnecessary spending.” But having a specific goal in mind for why you’re saving can be the boost you need to make your spending habits change for good.

Remember that booking a trip in advance can help you save money on condo rentals, equipment rentals, and more. So, no matter when you plan on heading up to the mountains, right now is the time to sit down and budget and book!

2024 is going to be your year for winter sports!

It’s time to say goodbye to boring or unpleasant New Year’s resolutions that fizzle out after a couple of weeks. By centering your 2024 goals around something that you actually enjoy—like your favorite winter sport—you’ll increase your chances of success.

We’d love to hear all about your winter-related New Year’s resolutions. And when you’re ready to start planning your trip up to the mountains, our team here at Mammoth Mountain Reservations can help you find the right condo for your inspiring adventure!